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InFlight Cafe and Gallery

Design Brief: The objective of this project was to design a column and span structure created from a repeated folded module. This proposed structure would be located in Plodiv, Bulgaria and would sit on top of ancient Roman ruins. The partially enclosed building would also house a cafe and gallery for the city's residents and become an attraction for tourists.


Due to the historical significance of the ruin, the cafe and gallery above is used to celebrate and interact with the ruins through varying levels of floors and views looking down into the site. Each module soars over a different floor and creates a feeling of enclosure through its folded form and the use of timber as a facade. The cafe is half enclosed allowing for outdoor and indoor seating depending on the weather, the enclosed area faces the plaza and through its location it is the hope that it will help activate the space. Th gallery, which requires specific lighting conditions is located within one of the modules and is fully enclosed with no fenestration. 


This proposal seeks to create an icon that will attract an audience to celebrate the new and old coming together giving each meaning and significance.  

Site Plan:
Sections and Elevations:
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